As students plan for registration and desired major/minor studies at Wake Forest University, the Office of Academic Advising suggests:

Meeting and communicating with your advisor consistently. At Wake Forest University advisor plays a vital role in your academic and personal growth. Advisors are careful listeners, caring consultants, impartial coaches, and helpful guides to an exciting, changing array of academic options, and also assist with the often-daunting procedural challenges students might face in a complex university environment. They can teach and empower students to take personal responsibility for their own education. Thus, academic advisors (lower-division or major/minor) are the first point of contact for a student seeking academic guidance. Note: All undergraduate students are required to meet with their assigned advisor prior to releasing the advising hold for registration.

Regularly using the Academic Progress Report in Workday to check requirements met and unmet, and your progress toward graduation, is crucial to your academic planning.  In addition to recording courses you have taken, Workday has many useful planning functions. For example, “Evaluate Academic Requirements for Student” allows students to see what courses they need for various major or minor choices. “Plan” allows students to create academic plans for multiple semesters.

Planning with an Academic Counselor in OAA can be helpful for thinking through complex scenarios that might involve multiple majors and/or minors, plans to study abroad while completing a major with complicated requirements, or other complications. Academic planning meetings in OAA are typically scheduled for an hour and may include: a detailed review of the student’s academic record, guided instruction on the Academic Progress Report, extensive major/minor requirement planning, and future semester course schedule planning. To schedule an appointment with an Academic Counselor please fill out the scheduling form.

Students who have quick questions are encouraged to use OAA walk-in hours. Read more about advising services provided by OAA.