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During the December 13, 2010 meeting, Wake Forest College Faculty approved the following policy regarding final exams:

Students should have no more than two exams in a 24-hour period.  They should be allowed to reschedule exams in excess of two in a 24-hour period.

When a student expresses concern to OAA about more than two consecutive final exams:

  1. OAA and the student will discuss the exams to determine if the situation meets the stipulated qualifications. (The scheduled starting time for each exam is noted: no more than two start times within one 24-hour period)
  2. If the student is in fact scheduled for more than two exams to start within one 24-hour period, they must then speak with their professor(s) about taking an exam at an alternate time.
  3. If no professor can or will accommodate the student informally and the exams meet the policy qualification, OAA assists the student with a formal Committee on Academic Affairs petition.

Final Exam Tips

  • Know when your exams are scheduled. See Academic Calendars.
  • Plan your time to study, exercise, and submit all assignments.
  • Attend review sessions, prepare with classmates and tutors, and ask professors!
  • Be CONFIDENT in what you have studied and learned.
  • Stay hydrated and well fed.
  • Sleep is required.
  • Meet with professors if you have any concerns (refer to policy).