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Students may not take more than 17 credit hours in a single fall or spring semester without special permission.

Students who wish to exceed the maximum credit hours must complete the following steps:

  1. Discuss with their primary academic advisor the desired course(s) they wish to add, the total number of credit hours if the credit overload is approved, and the reasons for the request to exceed the maximum hour limit. * To locate the primary academic advisor in Workday: log into Workday, go to the My Academics app, and click View My Support Network.
  2. After the discussion, students must create a credit overload request in Workday following the step-by-step instructions on the job aid. Please note: the primary academic advisor’s action (approve or deny) is required to complete the submission of the request in Workday.

*Exceeding 17 hours is not permitted for a given semester until registration for that term is completed.

*Exceeding 17 hours is rarely approved for new students in their first semester.

Once the request is received by OAA, an academic counselor will review it and a notification will be sent to the student in Workday when a decision is made. Then it is the student’s responsibility to register for the course in Workday before the last day to add the course.