Who Student Advisors Serve

Incoming Students
Every incoming student (first-year or transfer) is assigned a Student Advisor (SA). SAs are often the first peer-to-peer connection incoming students have, and they play an integral role in New Deac Week (aka, Orientation) and beyond. In recent years, @wfustudentadvising on Instagram has become a popular way to bridge the gap between high school and college and get answers to burning questions that range from “What divisionals should I take?” to “What are Old Golds and how do they work?”

Lower-Division Advisors
Every Lower-Division Advisor (LDA) receives at least one Student Advisor. Typically, LDAs – and their SA pair – will have between 10 to 12 advisees. When possible, LDAs with larger advising loads (like those teaching their FYS 100 class) may receive two SAs so that each Student Advisor is only responsible for ~ 8 students and not 16. LDAs and SAs alike go through specialized training to be able to provide guidance to incoming students as they create, pursue, assess (and even alter) their various academic and professional goals.